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Coffee of the forest

Our coffee beans are cultivated in lush, biodiverse forests of highlands in Wonogiri region parts of Central Java. Their unique growing conditions contribute to a distinctive flavor and aroma of the beans. This cultivation method allows us to be more sustainable to the environment.

There are 3 main aspects we have to go through on growing our coffee plants in the forest which are essential to the end product of our coffee beans.

  • Biodiversity, Forest-grown coffee beans thrive in the midst of lush, diverse ecosystems. These coffee plants are often grown under the canopy of tall shade trees, which provide natural protection from excessive sunlight. This biodiversity also balance out between pests and natural predators, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

  • Sustainable practices, Forest-grown coffee often embraces organic farming techniques, minimizing the use of synthetic chemicals and promoting soil health. The coffee plants also grow alongside with other crops which contributes to a more resilient, sustainable agricultural system.

  • Slow growth, Coffee plants in the forest tend to grow more slowly due to reduced light exposure, resulting in denser, harder beans. This slower growth allows for a more prolonged ripening period, which is known to enhance the complexity and depth of flavor in the beans.

Forest-grown coffee beans obtain some of its characteristic from the biodiversity and soil of the forest such as aroma, acidity level and the taste which give's the beans much more rich and complex characteristic. This uniqueness is a collaboration between all of the crops in the forest to the coffee plant itself


  • Subtle Acidity, Unlike the bright and intense acidity of some sun-grown coffees, forest-grown beans offer a more subtle, well-balanced acidity.

  • Full-bodied, These beans tend to produce a rich, light-bodied coffee with a depth of flavor.

  • Almond and Brown Sugar Aroma, Forest grown coffee beans have almond notes and brown sugar like aromas, which can be attributed to the biodiversity and soil in the forest.

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Coffee fruits

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Raya Curug Rd.

Tangerang, Banten 


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